'23: La Creuse'

'23: La Creuse'  was self-published as a softcover 'zine' style photobook in June 2016

It comprises of 23 photographs of  '23' from the Creuse region of central France (Creuse departmental code is: 23).
A whimsical but affectionate study of the area we have visited regularly for over 16 years in central France
Limited edition of 100, numbered and signed.
Paperback 'zine' style photobook, measures 148 x 148mm
23 images inside + front cover picture (+ un-cropped version on back cover).
Cover 130gsm; inside pages (x48) 100gsm.

‘23’ is dedicated to my French mother, Madeleine Rydlewski who was pivotal in my early and abiding love for France and who, indirectly, enabled us to create a life in the Creuse.